Töid Läänemeresoome Ja Volga Keelte Alalt
Tallinn : Keele ja Kirjanduse Instituut, 1964
135 p.
Hardcover used book in good condition with a dustcover.
This collection lacks questions from six Finno-Ugric languages. The closest relatives of Estonian include Vepsa, Vadja and Finnish, and the more distant ones - Early Mordva and Mari. The structure of the Finno-Ugric languages and their dialects is extremely diverse. A thorough description of the structure of each fracture cell is a complex scientific task in itself. Some individual questions from this field are solved in this collection. Another main linguistic research direction, horticultural linguistics, is also represented in the book.
The comparative-historical method makes it possible to explain the regularities of the formation of each language and dialect's uniqueness and to find the former Finno-Ugric linguistic unity behind today's colorful picture.
All articles are accompanied by a summary in Russian.