Eestikeelse kvantiteeriva heksameetri süsteem
Ervin Roos
Tartu : Akadeemiline Kirjandusühing, 1938
74 pages
Akadeemilise Kirjandusühingu toimetused ; 12
Softcover used ex-library book in satisfactory condition.
Summary in German
The external features of modern poetry are, as is well known, meter and rhyme. Of the two, meter is the more important, as there is also rhyme-less poetry and rhymed prose.
Meter in modern poetry is based on the regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables. Therefore, modern meter is either tonic (syllabic stress-based) or accentual (stress-based), depending on whether the number of syllables in the verse is also important or not.
Quite different from all of this is ancient poetry. In it, meter is based on the regular alternation of long and short syllables. Therefore, ancient meter is, in contrast to modern meter, quantitative or metrical