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Studies in the history of the Estonian people. III

6,00 €
4,80 € Säästa 20%

Stockholm : Estonian Theological Society in Exile, 1974

268 lk.

Papers of the Estonian Theological Society in Exile

Väga heas seisukorras raamat. Osaliselt poognad lahti lõikamata.


Sisu: Progress in ecclesiastical and spiritual life under the Swedish rule; Spring winds in education and efforts towards enrichment of life; The establishment of the University of Tartu; The Sprouting of literature and efforts towards its fructification; Beginnings of new stimuli for spiritual and cultural life; Cataclysmic destruction by the ongoing Russian expansion and its consequences; Stimuli for spiritual and intellectual life and their impact; The wave of vivification and enrichment of life unleashed by the movement of Herrnhuters; Spiritual and cultural revolution and its suppression; New hopes in the ear of englightenment and severe setbacks in ongoing struggles; Uprising of the nation to create civilization and culture; The struggle in support of an indigenous culture; Between panslavism and German despotism; The search for ways of developing life free from suppression; The struggle for survival under the terror of Russification.

Vööbus, A
1 Ühik