Perceived general and mental health, ...
  • Perceived general and mental health, ...

Perceived general and mental health, their socio-economic correlates and relationships with physical activity ...

9,00 €

Perceived general and mental health, their socio-economic correlates and relationships with physical activity in fertility-aged women in Estonia

Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2006

102 lk. : ill

Dissertationes paedagogicae Universitatis Tartuensis ; 5

ISBN: 9949113547

Pehmeköiteline ja väga heas seisukorras dissertatsioon


Fertiilses eas naiste üldine tervisehinnang ja psühho-emotsionaalne tervis Eestis: seosed sotsiaal-majanduslike tegurite ja kehalise aktiivsusega

Doktoritöö : Tartu Ülikool, 2006

Kokkuvõte eesti keeles

Kull, Merike
3 Trükis(t)