Järeltöötlus: värvifoto : n. filmile või digitaalkandjale jäädvustatud kujutise töötlemine peale salvestusprotsessi


Steve Macleod

[Tallinn] : Digipraktik, [2009]

175 p : ill.

Fotograafia alused ; 1

ISBN 9789985993828

Softcover used book in very good condition


This book begins the Digipraktik photography handbook series, covering photo editing, composition, light observation skills, and other fundamentals of creating successful photographs. Through this, we aim to contribute to improving the skills and foundational knowledge of Estonian photography enthusiasts. Hopefully, these books will also find their way to the reading tables of art students and more experienced photographers—it is equally important to acquire basic knowledge and to revisit it.

Main topics include: An overview of classical and digital darkroom processes, film structure and formats, color and exposure corrections, color harmony, photo paper processing and handling, toning techniques, pre- and post-lighting, photo retouching, the use of inkjet printers, and photo presentation methods.

Macleod, Steve
1 Item