- New
Põhjanael : retk tähtede maailma
Heikki Oja
Tallinn : Valgus, 2001
160 p. : ill.
ISBN 9985680847
Softcover book in very good condition
A popular, fresh, and engaging astronomy book that keeps readers constantly captivated.
Part I: "Astronomers' Tools", the basics of spherical astronomy, orientation in the starry sky, astrophysical research methods, an overview of astrophysical "hardware," planetary motion, and more are introduced.
Part II: "Astronomical Observation Targets" describes the bodies of the Solar System, stars, star clusters, interstellar medium, galaxies and their systems, as well as the large-scale structure of the universe.
Part III: "Evolution of the Universe" explores the origin and evolution of the universe, galaxies, stars, and planets from their formation to the present and into the future.
With numerous chapters supplementing topics taught in physics lessons for grades 9–12, "Põhjanael" (The North Star) is officially endorsed by the Ministry of Education as suitable learning material for schools.