Революционный невроз

Tax included

Альфред Фуллье, Огюстен Кабанес и Леонард Насс

Moscow : Институт психологии РАН : Издательство КСП+, 1998

568 p.

ISBN : 5201022774

Hardcover used book in good condition. The cover's edges worn. Inscription on the first page.


The material for this historical and psychological study was the events of the Great French Revolution, which began in 1789.

Historians study a range of critical issues. The behavior of large human groups gripped by fear becomes unpredictable and uncontrollable. The mass psychosis caused by fear that occurs during periods of revolution fuels the mania of persecution. This is expressed in the search for enemies and gives rise to a certain behavior of the two warring parties, manifested in the terror of the victors and the creation of corresponding punitive revolutionary structures, contempt for death and a sharp increase in the number of suicides among the losers, vandalism of various forms, extravagance of fashion, and linguistic transformations.

The book can be recommended to historians, philosophers, psychologists and anyone interested in the problems of social psychology.