ÜRO vastuolude maailmas
  • ÜRO vastuolude maailmas
  • ÜRO vastuolude maailmas

ÜRO vastuolude maailmas

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Eimar Rahumaa, Abner Uustal

Tallinn : Eesti Raamat, 1983

128 pages

Softcover used book in good condition


The book covers various areas of the United Nations' multifaceted activities: disarmament, elimination of the colonial system, international protection of human rights, establishment of new international economic relations, and codification of maritime law. An overview is provided of the role of the world organization in resolving major conflict zones (Korea, Congo, Middle East, etc.). The end of the book includes a list of UN member states and the list of non-permanent members of the Security Council (years 1945-1983). The book is of interest to a wide readership.

Rahumaa, Eimar
2 Items