Enam kui linnuteed
  • Enam kui linnuteed

Enam kui linnuteed


[Umeå] : Sison, [1996?]

72 pages

Softcover used book in good condition.


In the developed Western world, at least 5% of men are currently affected by excessive alcohol consumption. Among women, this corresponds to about 1%, but this ratio is rapidly increasing. However, this is a gross underestimate. All studies indicate significantly higher figures.

Five percent – that's every 20th man. There is no other environmental toxin that has such a damaging effect, except for tobacco.

The purpose of this book is not to provide an overview of all the health and social damages that alcohol can cause. The author focuses only on one biochemical aspect. The author hopes to provide a better understanding of how different aspects of the problem are interconnected.

Alcohol does not only mean cancer, fetal damage, marital problems, social conflicts, etc. Alcohol damages the Self, the identity. And this is the most serious of all the damages.

Sören Sigvardsson
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