Здоровье населения Эстонии на пороге XXI века

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Яак Уйбу

Таллинн : Ило, 2001

122 p.

3-е изд., доп.

ISBN 9985573781

Softcover used book in good condition.


Translated from the book "The health of the Estonian population at the dawn of the 21st century".

The author has not conceived the analysis of the health status of the population as a research activity and this field, like demography, is not the author's main field of activity. However, once he had written out the downward trends from statistical compilations, he could not keep them to himself, but tried to inform the public, the intellectuals and those in power. The author supplemented the figures with commentary, sought a wide range of comparative material, and asked politicians and experts for their opinions, until he had the material for this book.

Jaak Uibu works at the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine and was Chairman of the Estonian Medical Research Council from 1991 to 1997.

Uibu, Jaak
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