Tallinn : Ammukaar, 2020
103 p. : ill.
ISBN 9789949740598
Hardcover used book in good condition
The story of the refugee ship "Sarabande" Parallel text in Estonian and English.
The story of a sea voyage unfolds along the life of the author's grandmother's uncle Harald Adolf Männik, who was captain of the refugee ship "Sarabande" on a voyage across the Atlantic in 1949. The book includes photographs of Captain Männik's childhood and some of the stops on his seafaring journey. Some photos from Sweden tell the story of his refugee days. For the sea lover, the photographs taken on the ocean may be of more interest. To make the story more complete, the book also includes a number of photos of new life in Canada, the likes of which can be found in the photo albums of many an Estonian expatriate, and which are a fitting description of the life of good Estonians in their new homeland. Of course, a photo book does not represent someone's life in its entirety, but the reader of the photo book sees only fragments of the life of a sailor who grew up in Käsmu's captain's village.