Classical tradition from the 16th century to Nietzsche
  • Classical tradition from the 16th century to Nietzsche

Classical tradition from the 16th century to Nietzsche

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Tartu : Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2010 

206 p. 

Paperback in very good condition. 


The papers in this volume are dedicated to classical tradition, and are divided into three sections:

The first section (articles by Katre Kaju and Kristi Viiding) focuses on Neo-Latin in the Baltic Sea region in the 17th century
The second section (Tua Korhonen, Janika Päll) deals with Humanist Greek in the same region and period
The third (Anne Lill, Martin Steinrück) is dedicated to Friedrich Nietzsche and classical tradition in philosophy Series: Morgensterni Seltsi toimetised = Acta Societatis Morgensternianae; vol. 3. In German and English.

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