Точные науки в древности
  • Точные науки в древности

Точные науки в древности

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Москва : Наука, Главная редакция физико-математической литературы, 1968
224 p. 

Hardcover, used in good condition.


This book, written by the famous Austrian science historian O. Neugebauer, is devoted to the formation and development of exact sciences in ancient societies - Egypt, Babylon, Greece, including during the Hellenistic era. The central problem of the book is the emergence and spread of Hellenistic science, rooted in mathematics and astronomy of ancient Eastern civilizations. The author assigns a significant place to astronomy, rightly perceiving in it the most important driving factor in the development of science, starting from the middle of the first millennium BC. e. and until the turn of the XVIII and XIX centuries.

Нейгебауер, Отто
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