Quebec: Candian Museum of Civilization, 1994
130 p.
Paperback, in very good condition.
In 1987 an archaeological bonanza was discovered - the Crane Site on the Cape Bathurst Peninsula. It is one of only two known sites in the western Canadian Arctic where archaeologists have found a substantial number of materials that date to the early to middle centuries of the last millennium B.C., during a time when Palaeoeskimo culture was changing from Pre-Dorset to Dorset.
The Crane Site confirms that the Pre-Dorset period of Palaeoeskimo culture persisted on the western periphery of the Canadian Arctic long after the transition to Dorset had been completed elsewhere, for many of the artifacts are similar to those found at the Lagoon Site on Banks Island. This book explores the importance of the Crane Site and the assemblages found there in the context of the broader Palaeoeskimo world.