Viru Vägevad 1900-2000

Tax included

Kohtla Järve : Ida-Virumaa Omavalitsuste Liit, 2000

132 p. : portr.

Hardcover used book in good condition. Inscription on the first page.


Why did Ernst Öpik become an astronomer?

Who was the best mushroom expert in Viru-Jaagup?

How did Johannes Varas-Barbarus share medical certificates without cover?

How did the prankster Tallikas buy chicken manure?

Which of the Estonian choir leaders is an honorary citizen of Oonurme village?

You can find these and hundreds of other previously unknown facts about Virumaa's 20th century mighty men in this book, which has nearly 7,000 authors. Here, the history of Virumaa in the 20th century unfolds through 58 human destinies.

In 1938, Alviine Pedriks, who weighed 327 kilos, was the most powerful virulian of all time. Pedriks, who once owned a tea house, had no problem getting two customers out the door at the same time. Both sides of the door were always opened upon his own arrival. Pedriks traveled to the Tallinn exhibition on a railway platform. In order to bury Pedris, who is 165 centimeters tall and has a stomach circumference of 286 centimeters, the coffin had to be made one and a half meters wide.

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